Hi List
I have some extra parts for sale!
Several pairs of vintage nos campagnolo curved Quick release levers .14 usd
2 sets of vintage nos campagnolo BB cups 30 usd
several pairs of vintage nos campagnolo starwashers for calipers. 1.50 each
Several pairs of vintage nos campagnolo locknuts(the one where the lever goes thru) set of 2. 18 usd.
3 spare part for track headset.The very top part of it,the one that tighten the whole thing.Been told that this is a track part,Looks like steel to me. 10 usd.
several pair of vintage nos campagnolo sr headset ring,the oens in between the top nut and the lower -upper cup. 10 usd.
3 cable adjuster for calipers.only the little thing where that screws into the caliper arm and has th ecable goin thru it.5 usd
I still have plenty of vitnage nos campagnolo track lock rings,nos campagnolo BB and headset bearings,and campagnolo locknuts,the rounded ones ,not the cone shaped ones.
Thanx u all!
Matteo brandi Firenze cheroketz@libero.it