Re: [CR]Fixing very small punctures in Tubulars

(Example: Framebuilders:Alex Singer)

Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:08:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom James <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Fixing very small punctures in Tubulars
To: Neill Currie <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

I don't know of any method for fixing very small punctures in tubulars except the invasive way. In fact, it's those little punctures that do the most frequent damage to my tires riding the streets and alleys of Chicago. I can generally spot a pothole or large shards of glass in enough time to avoid them, but it's those near invisible pin-head sized razor-sharp gems that stick to a rock-hard and wet tire surface on a rainy day, take a couple of spins around and work their way right through whatever protective armor the manufacturer advertized - kevlar for instance. The best defense is a good offense, or is it the other way round? What works best for me is what I have always known as "tire savers" - a little piece of looped wire that rides on the tires surface and flicks the specks of glass off of the tire before they make a second pass under your weight and into the tire surface. Only problem is finding them. I have only one left - from over 20 years back - they do eventually wear out, and dispite my best feeble efforts here in the Chicagoland market anyway, can't find them any more.

--- Neill Currie wrote:

> Hi
> I have "inherited" several decent quality Tubular
> tires which have plenty of life left in them, but
> suffer solely from having very small punctures.
> I am loath to rip them apart to repair them, if
> there is an easier, quicker fix, that is less
> "invasive" (considering the terminology I am
> using, maybe I see the tires as patients, rather
> than simply tires ;-)
> Has anyone had success fixing similar small
> holes? Slime, Tufo sealant, old milk??? If so,
> can you describe how (I have tried Slime, but it
> seems too glutinous to get through the presta
> valve.....maybe there is a better application
> method though?)
> Many thanks.
> Neill "rubber fingers" Currie, Portland, Me
> =====
> Neill Currie, Portland, Me 04102, USA.
> The Mountain Goat website is at:
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