Here's a picture of the NOS Mafac Dural Forge brakes that I was talking about: As I said, there's no bronze on this later version. Only a steel stud, and two red plastic bushings.
John Barron Minneapolis
Message: 15 From: "Eric Elman" <> To: <> Subject: [CR]RE: MAFAC bushings Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:51:51 -0400
My experience is different than John's (below). I have had dozens of Racers and Competitions and a few Dural Forge. My experience has been that the the Dural Forge where bronze bushings, Racers both bronze (rarely) and red plastic bushing (usually), and Competitions - the earlier version with "Competition" forged in v.s the later labeled version - were always bronze bushings. I can't speak from experience on the later black and gold labeled version of the Competiton as I've never dissassembled a set. All the sets with the bronze bushing utilize a red plastic washer between the bolt head and the caliper arm; only the pivot point has the bronze bushing. Brakes need to be dissassembled to determine if the bushings is bronze or plastic. I have yet to see the ball bearing ones and would love to see one of them - pictures anyone?
Eric Elman
Somers, CT
MAFAC Dural Forge brakes as well as some Competitions came with red plastic bushings (on a white metal stud) as well as with Bronze bushings. I have owned many pairs of each of these models, but have never seen the ones with bronze... As I understand it, the bronze bushing ones were earlier and more desireable, perhaps because they could be fitted to frames that have brazed-on studs.
John Barron Minneapolis
P.S. I have a bunch of stuff up for auction. I don't know if this link will work, but if not, search for seller "velostuf"