Thanks for the interest. These are both sold.
Regards, Rob White Chicago
----- Forwarded by Robert White/CHI/NTRS on 09/26/02 10:05 AM -----
Robert White 312/557-2078 To: cc: 09/26/02 08:37 Subject: For Sale: Berthoud saddle bag / red Binda straps AM
New Berthoud saddle bag with strap & buckle. Gray with tan leather, made in France. Same as on the wallbike website.
I bought this from Wallingford a few months ago, but never mounted it and finally decided it wasn't quite right for my bike. Nice bag, though.
Paid $55 plus $6 for shipping. Will sell for $46 and I pay shipping.
Also have 1 pair red Binda toe straps NIP I'll sell for $16 (no shipping charge if it goes with the bag, otherwise a buck extra for postage.)
Rob White