Re: [CR]Newbie Mondia Questions

(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

In-Reply-To: <B997AA7C-8227A@>
Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2002 13:16:33 -0400
From: Tom Hayes <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Newbie Mondia Questions


The difference between the Special and the Super consists of the following, and probably some I'm not mentioning: the Special has chromed nervex lugs, the Super has different lugs with cutouts in them; the Special had the following chromed: lugs, six inches on the forks and stays, while the Super had only the drop-outs chromed; the Special's drop-outs had eyelets, the Super didn't have eyelets; the paint scheme on each was different, and I suspect that the angles on the Super were steeper than on the Special. They both were equipped for components the same.

One thing you might consider, however, since the one you're looking at is a repaint: both the Special and the Super had the same headbadge which reads Mondia Super.

That's what I know.


>I decided to subscribe to subscribe to the list to learn more about the
>bikes I used to have and possibly get help in fixing or restoring an older
>road bike.
> The bike I've neen riding for 17 years is a highend commuter bike.
>It is a
>lugged frame 84 Mt. Fuji set up with fenders, Carradice bag, Suntour and
>Phil Wood parts. I originally bought it while living on a gravel road in
>rural Iowa.
> The bike I sold to buy the Fuji was a late 60's Mondia (Special?).
>It had
>Reynolds 531 DB tubing. Campy NR components with MAFAC brakes and Weinmann
>brake quick releases. It was a large frame bike with a long top tube. The
>seat tube had a more relaxed angle than the head tube. It was unusual for
>a Mondia since it was painted only one color! The metallic tangerine color
>did fade into to the chrome dropouts, and there was pinstriping.
> Anyway, I've become interested in getting an older road bike. It
>have to be as practical or rugged as my commuter bike. Maybe it will be a
>lot faster, certainly it will be lighter.
> My brother has offered me a "Super Mondia" that has been repainted
>there is still rust). It has a Stronglight crank and Universal sidepull
>brakes. Campy DT shifters and derailleurs. Wheels are not original.
> My questions: Is anybody here familiar with the different models
>made by
>Mondia. Could you place this one in the scheme of things? Any sources on
>the internet, or books about Mondia's history?
> Lastly,I understood this Swiss company used a mixture of threads. Are
>most of the threads French?
>Thanks for your help!
>Jim Plaugher
>Iowa City

Tom Hayes
18585 Munn Road
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023