Re: [CR]Right/left - A british perspective? urgent!

(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

Date: Sun, 01 Sep 2002 15:06:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]Right/left - A british perspective? urgent!
From: "M_A_Lebr=?ISO-8859-1?B?8w==?=n" <>


Maybe there is an amnesty program that I can apply to in acknowledgement of my being so forthcoming?

PS: I think it was one of the Holdsworth shops. And, to be fair to them, they may have just automatically switched it for me without raising the issue as they could not help but notice my NY accent and thought this was the lesser of 2 evils..

Best Regards, Michael Lebron NYC ----------
>Subject: Re: [CR]Right/left - A british perspective? urgent!
>Date: Sun, Sep 1, 2002, 11:06 AM
>My word. Please return your cycle to the place of purchase immediately to
>have your cable routing righted (or lefted?) straight away. The penalties
>and fines for you and the selling shop must be enormous at this time as they
>have been accumulating for 28 years.
>Sorry to here of this violation so late, I'll have a word with Phoenix Cycles
>in Battersea.
>Sincere regards,
>Gilbert Anderson
>USA representative for "United Kingdom Proper Cable Routing Authority",
>Southeastern Division
>In a message dated 8/31/02 10:18:46 PM,
><< For what it is worth, in 1974 I bought a Holdsworth in a shop in Battersea
>in southwest London for the express purpose of using it to tour throughout
>Great Britain, Ireland, Belgium and France.
>It came right hand-rear brake, left hand-front brake.
>Michael Lebron
>>From: "Hilary.stone" <>
>>To: <>, <>,
>>Subject: Re: [CR]Right/left - A british perspective?
>>Date: Sat, Aug 31, 2002, 2:34 PM
>>Yes bicycles sold in bike shops must have right brake lever to front brake
>>and left lever to rear. It is only that the bikes must be sold that way -
>>riders are perfectly free to swap their brakes over after buying it. Custom
>>bikes are exempt from this requirement.
>>Hilary Stone, where I will be with the Veteran-Cycle Club who are spending
>>tomorrow afternoon at Eastway circuit, time trialling and mass start racing
>>their older bikes tomorrow, London
>>Gilbert Anderson wrote:
>>> This may have already been covered but I was informed by one of my British
>>> suppliers that like right hand drive in cars ( driving on the left), right
>>> actuated front brakes and left actuated rear brakes are required by law
>>> the governance of the British equivalent of the CPSC (USA Consumer Product
>>> Saftey Commission).
>>> Hilary, is it a law mate, >>
>Gilbert Anderson
>The North Road Bicycle Company
>your bicycle outfitter
>519 W. North St.
>Raleigh, NC 27603
>ph toll free in USA :800/321-5511
>Local ph: 919/828-8999