Re: [CR]Now:Maximizing Profits --Parting Out

(Example: Framebuilding:Brazing Technique)

From: "Brian Baylis" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Now:Maximizing Profits --Parting Out
References: <> <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2002 00:31:16 -0700

> wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 9/12/2002 7:15:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> > > Part it out or sell as complete bike. Which would net maximum
> > > dollars he asked?
> > >
> > Having parted a bunch of bikes, my experience tells me the sum of the parts
> > is higher than the sum of the whole. Unless the bike is one of those rare
> > bikes or has a heritage that makes it a collector bike with the original
> > parts, you will almost always get more if you sell the parts and the
> > frame/fork separately. Since I don't buy bikes that fit that category, I
> > have no knowledge of that end of the market. Since I always advertise a
> > "shipped" price, I just have to watch shipping as the rates have increased
> > this past couple of years. My wife doesn't like all the trips to the post
> > office either, but that's another story. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
> And what about parting out a perfect Frejus that is 30 years old and
> unridden. The high point in my mind for Frejus was when Ferdi Kubler of
> Switzerland won the TdF in 1950 on a Frejus.
> So by 1972 was a Frejus just chopped liver and not to be thought of as a
> big deal in 2002.
> Opinions?
> Chuck Schmidt
> SoPas, SoCal
> _______________________________________________


This is one opinion many may not want to hear; but opinions are being

solicited so here goes.

I see the parting out of a bike that has survived 30 years in original

condition to be slightly less than criminal. To me it shows a

considerable lack of respect for not only how few bikes make it anywhere

near that long in original condition (we do have respect for these

bikes, don't we?) but also a lack of respect and consideration for the

person on the other end of having to now search out the "missing" parts

to make it whole again which will involve considerable time and expense.

I'm sure there are cases where once the parts are stripped the frame

never becomes a whole bike again before it finds it's way to the

landfill. The degree of viloation does depend on the bike in question,

but overall viewing these classics in terms of dollars and cents seems

very selfish. What about their value as a historical referance of what

was available on any given example at any given time? The subtle details

are cast aside as soon as that bik is altered or seperated. My feeling

is there are still a decent number of parts available to complete

projects without taking the few excellent condition original bikes and

devouring them like vultures. As time goes on and fewer parts and bikes

are available to a growing number of enthusiasts prices will rise; so

what's new about that. These items are already finite. Perhaps it would

be more benificial to everyone if we all amplify our efforts to ferret

out the bikes that are still waiting to be discovered in whatever

condition they are in and put them into circulation instead of milking

every opportunity to get maximum dollars out of everything that turns

up. I don't feel I can adequately express my inner feelings on this

subject (for the first time in all of my writings) and I'm sure there

are many who can't comprehend my thinking. If someone is in the position

of having to feed their family with the proceeds from butchering an

original bike that makes me sad on several accounts; primarily that

parting out bikes is not a good way to raise the money. Get a real job

for real responsibilities. Taking it out on our hobby is ineffecient and

a disservice to the bikes (I hope) we all love. The eBay mentality has a

stranglehold on every collectable item (and everything else as well) no

matter what it is. Many enjoy it and a considerable number of people are

profiting from it, but I am not one of them. In my position I could be,

but I don't have the heart (or stomach) for it, sorry.

I sincerely apologize if anyone is offended by my opinion; it is just

and only that. My opinion will not change the course of the world. I

appreciate this forum to express my opinions when asked and I will not

pass judgement on anyone no matter what course one chooses. I will

simply state that in my life pretty much everything is more valuable to

me than money. I may be the odd man out on this issue which is fine by

me; but these things pain me deeply. I realize it's my problem and I

will deal with it.

Brian Baylis

La Mesa, CA

Never mind me; I'm just a stick in the mud anyway.
> wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 9/12/2002 7:15:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> > writes:
> > > Part it out or sell as complete bike. Which would net maximum
> > > dollars he asked?
> > >
> > Having parted a bunch of bikes, my experience tells me the sum of the parts
> > is higher than the sum of the whole. Unless the bike is one of those rare
> > bikes or has a heritage that makes it a collector bike with the original
> > parts, you will almost always get more if you sell the parts and the
> > frame/fork separately. Since I don't buy bikes that fit that category, I
> > have no knowledge of that end of the market. Since I always advertise a
> > "shipped" price, I just have to watch shipping as the rates have increased
> > this past couple of years. My wife doesn't like all the trips to the post
> > office either, but that's another story. Lou Deeter, Orlando FL
> And what about parting out a perfect Frejus that is 30 years old and
> unridden. The high point in my mind for Frejus was when Ferdi Kubler of
> Switzerland won the TdF in 1950 on a Frejus.
> So by 1972 was a Frejus just chopped liver and not to be thought of as a
> big deal in 2002.
> Opinions?
> Chuck Schmidt
> SoPas, SoCal
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> Classicrendezvous mailing list

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