That color, which I've always called "electric blue" is reproducable if one has the proper toner, an understanding of how it's done, and a good touch on the paint gun. I'm planning on painting my '70 Colnago that color as soon as the decals are available; which should be shortly with any luck. Most Colnago decals are already available, but the very early "playing card" set is still being printed.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
> Gentlemen,
> I'd like to get a Colnago painted a colour that I've always called "Milan
> blue". I have no idea whether that's the correct name, but I've got a
> downtube that's painted the desired colour, for a sample. If I understand
> correctly, this blue was shot over a white base, giving a sort of depth to
> the paint. I have no idea whether this colour is difficult to reproduce.
> Where should such a frame be sent? There were recent compliments to Ed
> Litton -- fine, I've been aware of him for years, though I don't know that
> I've ever seen his work.
> Anyone have specific sugggestions for this project?
> Thanks,
> Peter Bridge
> DenCO