Re: [CR]Why I want to MAKE reproductions.

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Columbus:SLX)

From: "Renaissance-Cycles" <>
To: "Brandon Ives" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Why I want to MAKE reproductions.
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 21:14:36 +0100

Hey!.........What would you guys think if someone or company was able to put out what they produced 25 plus years ago! We are talking about a production bike and not one of these Boutique type of riggs............As it is they are building the very same frame ''TODAY!'' but with different style decals. And to boot for a limited time it could also be offered with perhaps a Panto Gran sport group set! Now I know it's not NR or SR but worked just as good and held it own ground! Funny thing a few years ago I myself and another asked if they could knock out these framesets and they said yes!..............We have the building material and the same people from back then still building bikes for us today! Problem, we do not have the original decals. But ''I'' think this would be the lessor of the problems, reproduction transfers are only a Kinkos away! He said we could even offer it to you with old world componentry! Yikes, really!........He said really! Now this really got my blood pumping! Now with a newly found resource for NR front and rear derailleurs.......They could be offered with a mix of NR & GS. Sound like a familiar set up...................HUH!..................WELL SORRY TO SAY, MUMS THE WORD ON THIS SOURCE UNTIL THE TIME COMES TO GO OUT AND DO IT! Hell!.......................The word is 10 pieces and it's a go! And no this is not the Cascarsi thing of which we are meeting next week nor is it the Gianni Motta thing.............But something that has been sitting on the back burner until our move........It would be very cool to walk into a store and there was these bikes being offered for sale..............Darn with the type of sleeping stocks here and there, if was had for a decent price bikes like this could be offered in several different forms!


Hey!.................Just got the confirmation that Mafac will be on their way.............All 3 to 500 sets!................Why the difference in the numbers coming our way, simple it's been 25 plus years and the old guy just can't remember for sure how many there is.........Just that we know it all coming our way. My middle man for these brakesets is a former list member, for his privacy I'll only call him the ( Big ''K!'' ) Many thanks to the ''Big........K!'' for hooking us up................We are truly greatful.

BTW: If there is someone out there as a loose end, do get in touch with us............CP problems ''AGAIN!''.................WE JUST LOST ANOTHER WORK STATION!

BC Baron C...................And the gang, Renaissance cycles, Eindhoven Holland. 48 hours with a 3 hour rest inbetween somewhere here and there...............I'm pooped and will be catching some ''BIG TIME zzzzzzzzzZZZzzSs!! ----- Original Message ----- >