Re: [CR]Vintage Bike roof rack manufacturer?

(Example: Production Builders:LeJeune)

From: "Peter Jon White" <>
To: "dave martinez" <>, "Dan Kasha" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Bike roof rack manufacturer?
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 01:08:21 -0500
cc: CR List <>

The QR for the fork would get sticky with rust. So you thought it was tight when it wasn't. But that's true of any QR type fork mount. Keep it lubed and it's just fine.

Peter Jon White Peter White Cycles 24 Hall Rd. Hillsborough, NH 03244 603 478 0900 Phone 603 478 0902 Phax

----- Original Message -----
From: dave martinez
To: Dan Kasha
Cc: CR List
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [CR]Vintage Bike roof rack manufacturer?

> Hello Dan, These are called La Prealpina racks. Very Italian and unreliable. My 1968 Cinelli SC came off the rack on US 101 near Paso Robles Ca. Luckily, the rear wheel of the bike stayed in the wheel tray while the front of the bike dangled along the side window of the van. I was able to pull over to rescue the bike. I always maintained the rack, but realistically I'd rather play it safe and get a Yakima. The La Prealpina does look very cool on a Alfa Berlina however. Best Wishes, Dave Martinez Fremont Ca
> Dan Kasha <> wrote:First off, sorry, I forgot to put
> Providence RI in my last post.
> I was wondering about a funky old rack
> that I had on my volvo. I think I saw the
> same rack used by support vehicles in
> photos of a 60's TDF. It is cream in
> color, painted. It has "LP" stamped in
> parts here and there. It had wing-nut
> fork mounts and also dummy forks to
> hold the front wheel. Anyone know
> what these are, anyone still use them?
> Thanks
> Dan Kasha
> Providence RI
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