Re: Re: [CR]Remove from List

(Example: Framebuilders:Norman Taylor)

From: "Peter Naiman" <>
To: <>, ken denny <>
Subject: Re: Re: [CR]Remove from List
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 15:49:41 -0500

Brian: Thank you for your eloquent reply. I only wish I could express myself as well. I've emailed Ken and asked him to reconsider, as I feel he is and should continue to be an important part of our group. We can all benefit from his knowledge about cycling, as much as we benefit from your wealth of knowledge of frame building, repair and painting. I've known Ken for a number of years and live a few miles from Ken in the Boston area, and always welcomed his advice. Ken and I will always disagree on a number of issues, but whether we agree or not is not important, its the cameraderie and advice that that is appreciated. PeterNaiman Boston, Mass
> From: Brian Baylis <>
> Date: 2003/02/27 Thu PM 03:19:32 EST
> To: ken denny <>
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [CR]Remove from List
> ken,
> I was very pleased when I saw your name appear on the list as a
> contributor recently. I hoped at that time your stay would be long and
> benificial to all parties. I for one, am saddened by the way things have
> gone the past few days. A fresh start, a new life, fun for everyone was
> what I would liked to have seen. Knowing most of the parties involved in
> the current situation, all of whom I consider friends in one way or
> another, including yourself; I knew that all would pretty much have to
> start with a clean slate regarding everyones' past relationships.
> Unfortunately, it has come to pass that the previous relationships are
> effecting the current situation, which is not really a surprise; but as
> I said it saddens me.
> I'm not interested in taking sides or determining who started it or who
> is right or wrong. I only want to say to ALL parties, I'm bummed that we
> all are not playing well together. Both parties have extensive knowledge
> and expertise and it would benifit the remaining 700+ members greatly if
> the two factions could allow the other to co-exist peacefully.
> Any way this is going to be worked out, or is this going to be the way
> it is forever? It's none of my business and whatever you guys come up
> with is acceptable to me; but I would like to see at least a peaceful
> acceptance of one another. As I said before, personally I see value and
> benifit to knowing all of these people, and many others can benifit from
> the body of knowledge each has to offer. I know what it is like to try
> to deal with someone who has for some reason become someone you simply
> cannot come to terms with. Sometimes there is no resolution because it
> takes both parties to co-operate and agree and then follow through with
> the peace agreement. Never easy, often impossible. Either way, if I have
> to deal with each party seperately as neccessary, so be it; but I would
> prefer to see even my friends who don't like each other to let the other
> alone. Instead of looking for "infractions", I reccommend that each
> ignore what the other one does and says COMPLETELY. In reality, what
> either partiy does has no real effect on what the other is doing. The
> effects are primarily in their minds and emotions. If you ignore each
> other, or chuckle to yourself and let it slide, everything would
> probably be OK. Just a thought.
> Brian Baylis
> La Mesa, CA
> I know it is impossible to get along with everyone, but you can ignore
> the ones you don't. I also know how hard it is to resist responding to
> real or imagined slights. Do it if you can.
> >
> > Dale,
> > Please remove me from your CR list. In three days I have been attacked from all directions, most recently this unprovoked diatrabe. I don't deserve this kind of garbage, nor do I wish to participate in dialogue that is not reciprocal and rewarding. I honestly do not need this kind of negativity. People on your list should get used to observation, comment and critique - it is a constructive process.
> > It is more than obvious to me that the West-Coast contingent of this hobby has a negative impression of myself, and unfortunately I am not able to, nor have I ever been able to rectify the issues that they have infectiously and unilaterally fostered amongst themselves over the years.
> > God luck to you and the CR group.
> > Peace,
> > Ken Denny
> > Boston
> > Sincerely,
> > Ken Dennt
> > Jan Johnson <> wrote:From: "Jan Johnson"
> >
> > To: "ken denny" ,
> >
> > Subject: RE: [CR]'nother eBay outing - can you say 'bivalent'?
> > Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 06:24:12 -0800
> >
> > ken wrote:
> > Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like one hub is drilled 32, the other
> > 36.
> >
> > They are what they are, Ken.
> > Shall I send them back to Cinelli and ask to exchange the 32 hole hub so I
> > have a matched pair?
> >
> > Like I said to someone else a while back, if you can't say something nice
> > about an item up for auction, please keep it to yourself. If you don't want
> > to bid on the item, that's fine. It won't break my heart. But hacking on
> > something that is up for auction, just for the sake of showing everyone that
> > you know more than they do, brings nothing to the table.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Jan Johnson
> > Portola Valley, CA
> >
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