Aircraft Fabrication and Bikes,
As Wayne said the Wright Brothers were Bike folk.
Henry Ford stated with Bikes, then cars, then Aircraft.
Rene Herse worked in the 30's on the first French transatlantic flight I am told. Also Routens was alongside I was told from the same source.
Alex Moulton worked at Bristol Aerocraft during World War II specifically on the very fast (plywood) Mosquito Bomber. His latest Handlebar resembles an aircraft yoke and is called the Mosquito Bar as well.
Harlan Meyer of Hi-E Engineering was from some aircraft background.
For those in the know the Pashley folks only did horse drawn vehicles before they evolved into bikes. It shows.
Many others I am sure,
Yours in Cycling,
Gilbert Anderson
North Road Bicycle Company 519 W. North St. Raleigh, NC 27603
Toll Free \u2022 800\u2022321-\u20225511 Phone \u2022919\u2022828\u20228999 E-Mail \u2022
In a message dated 2/25/03 5:28:18 PM, writes:
<< Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 15:13:42 -0500
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <>
To: <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Was Light Weight - Now Aircraft Connection
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Message: 2
>>>Were any ... bike builders ... coming from an
aircraft fabrication background?<<<
Or was it the other way around. Anyone remember a couple of aspiring bike building brothers from Ohio?
Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Wayne Bingham
Falls Church VA >>