agreed. when i wasn't the age i am now, i remember staring at race pics of the petterssons and noticed the decal, "Brevetatta" or similar on their blue frame's chainstays, a mark seen on the early 'non-fluted' chainstays of the masi frames of the era. btw, didn't the 4 brothers medal at mexico in the 4-man 100k time trial? e-RICHIE chester, ct
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003 19:40:57 +0100 "Johan Ericson"
<> writes:
> Hello List
> While looking thru my pile of old french bike magazines I
> discovered
> that Gosta "Faglum" Pettersson, riding for Feretti, used a Masi when
> he
> won the 1971 Giro di Italia. Labeled as a swedish Monark. It has
> the
> same BB cut out as the right BB at
> When talking to him he just says he sold it to someone here in
> Sweden
> circa 1978-9. .............. Somewhere out there in some ones
> garage
> sits a Giro winning Masi! The search is on, very on.
> My size and would go perfect with my old Feretti-cap.
> Regards
> Johan Ericson
> Stockholm, Sweden