Hello List
During the weekend I made some nice finds. Some of the stuff I would like your help to get to know more about.
1. One NOS, NIB "Versol GT, Type Sport" rear der. - Looks like
thirties-fourties to me. Only marking on the der. is a small circle
containg "Patent Versol". Ball bearing pulleys without "toth". The box
contains the der., shifter, cable, spring and some fasteners. From when?
>From where? On what type of bikes? Has it any value (bought it for the
equivalent of 10 USD)? Searched the archive and did not get any hits.
Searched the net and it gave nothing.
2. Fiamme rims for sew ups/tubulars. One pair of 28 and one pair of 32 hole. The decal is red and rectangular in form, circa 25 mm long, and just says "Fiamme". The rims are also stamped "Fiamme made in Italy". The original wrapping for the 32: s has a note that says (in italian) "type 1, standard size, 32 hole". I have seen the red and yellow decals that has a pointy elliptical form but never this kind. From when are the rims? Quality?
Johan Ericson
Stockholm, Sweden