Re: [CR]Pedal thread repair

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 10:51:18 -0800 (PST)
From: "Bruce Krueger" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Pedal thread repair
To: Steve Maas <>,
In-Reply-To: <>

if the threads are that chowed (or I s'pose if you really want to french->standard thread..) I'd recommend the ELDI tool/inserts, basically a helicoil system. the tool is self-feeding reamer and oversize tap in one, works like a charm (on alloy cranks, at least -- I wouldn't risk damaging the tool on a steel crank). granted, we charge about what an inexpensive replacement left crankarm would cost for the job (per side) but at least they match (instead of having originalR/genericL), and if it's the right arm, it's significantly more cost effective. a very servicable/durable repair, all in all. ..somehow, I can't see epoxy being as durable.

rather than getting the whole kit with bushings, you should be able to find a shopo to do it for you (my guess would be $10-15 per side).

bruce krueger bikeworks urbana IL
> You can get pedal-thread repair kits from Bike Tools
> Etc.
> (select Tools/Thread
> Repair from the
> menu). Warning: it's $85 for taps and six pairs of
> inserts, so you
> probably don't want to do this for a cheap crank.
> You can buy more
> inserts separately, but they are still not cheap.
> (Is anything?)
> I haven't heard of an epoxy system for repairing
> pedal threads,
> but I've sometimes considered drilling out the old
> threads,
> putting in a bushing, and retapping it. Has anyone
> ever tried this?

thread repair
> > epoxy and inserts for repairing pedal threads. Two
> questions;
> >
> > How does one use thread repair epoxy? Does it have
> limitations or a short
> > life expectancy?
> >
> > Is it possible to buy left hand pedal Helicoil (or
> someone else's) inserts?
> > I would have thought 9/16" x 20 left threaded an
> odd size and not available.
> > I'm guessing that they wouldn't be cheap.

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