kctommy@msn.com wrote:
> What other firms dealt with hand cut lugs? Monty Young at Condor has a
reputation for doing some hand cut lugs, and Mercian used to do some pretty
fancy looking stuff, although they are down to just one model with ornate
lugs, the Vinctiore.
> Was Hobbs the inovator, or did some other, even more august maker "inspire"
him to start with the fancy lugs? After all, Hobbs apparently didn't start
making frames until the early '30's. Who was the first, well known lug
Lots of questions there, Tom. I wish I had the answers! The likes of Bill Hurlow, EG Bates, Les Ephgrave, etc, are a few of the better known fancy lug makers but I don't know how active they were in the early-1930s. I don't think Ephgrave got going until the 1950s.
It's possible there was no single innovator. It's common knowledge that framebuilders started cutting lugs to reduce the stress that built up on frame tubes where straight edged lugs were used. I can't see a reason why half a dozen framebuilders couldn't have started making fancier lugs around the same time and quite indepedently of each other. I doubt we'll ever really know-unless someone produces an identifiable and original machine from the 1920s with fancy lugs!