I hesitate to stick in my two penn'orth as I am the archetypal
non-expert... jack of all trades, master of none, but......
It is too dogmatic to assert that silver soldering is not a correct
term. I have never bought silver solder as anything except silver solder. I
have two small packets in front of me with the legend silver solder on them.
Regarding the lower temperatures, some Morgan three wheelers raced pre-war
had the lugs silver soldered rather than brazed. That may have been to avoid
weakening the tubes but I have always understood that it made it easier to
remove the lugs for retubing or repair. It is impossible to get a brazed lug
off a Morgan; you have to saw it off and machine out the stub of tube. I
think I am correct in saying that accidentally bending a tube while brazing
results in it snapping while with silver solder you will get away with it. I
have to admit that I have never tried to break a tube that way. Sorry if this
is off topic, but I do rather object to being told that "silver soldering" is
a term never used by engineers. How about modifying that to "never used by
twenty first century engineers in the USA?"
Stuart Tallack in quaint old-fashioned Sussex
Postscript even more off topic. The large rear chassis lug on a Morgan
tricycle which carries all transmission and rear suspension loads is soft
soldered. It tends to creep round under all that load but takes several
decades to move a few degrees.