Sorry for the delay. I've got this pesky situation, it's called work. There is a lot of it for me to do. I just got too tired to write last night. Fortunately, in the meantime I got some information from Jay about the "seperation" of two of our group. It turns out that Burl from LA had his nephew, not his son along, for this ride. Seth is from Canada I think I got from Jays' info. We lost track of Burl who made his way back to the Pizza Port while Seth went to look for him. Seth ended up riding all the way to Oceanside before turning around and comming back to Solona Beach, some 3 hours later! Apparently Seth enjoyed the ride trememdously amd was elated to get to ride so far in such nice weather. I'm sorry we got seperated. The route was new for us, very up and down with lots of turns. Next time we try something this industrious, I'll see if I can come up with a route sheet. Didn't have time this go'round.
Back to the tire change. Sterling had the flat and had pulled over a short distance from where the main group had collected. I could see from where I was that the tire was a tubular. I said to JB, "this should only take a second and we'll be back on the road". As we talked and watched from a distance JB and I relaized that instead of Sterling working like a NASCAR pit crew, he was setting out the tea service and having a picnic as he talked casually with Fast Eddie who was keeping Sterling company. JB and I look at each other. What? We're about a mile or less from the Masi factory and I'm anxious (as usual) to get moving. I always like it when a tubular flats because it's a quick change and we're off again. I guess because it was such a beautiful day there was no hurry, but eventually we began to grow impatient with the tea party approach and started to whip Sterling into a faster mode. He responded and we rode the short distance to the location. I hadn't been there since about 1977 or so and the place looked rather different. When Masi was active there the building we were in was jut about the only one there. Now the place is packed with a bunch of other buildings. You can't even see the turd farm next door anymore! We gathered at the front door area which is now a YMCA, and yet the place was not occupied by anyone on Sunday. JB announced that he had a Masi head tube decal he had brought along that he planned to affix to the door or something. As I explained how the original office windows had louvers and that the Masi burgerlery back in 1976 came out through one of yhose windows, JB decided to put the decal on that office window frame where no one would notice it, most likely. We gathered as JB burnished the decal to the window and then we took the photo op, which we should see when someone posts the pictures. We collected ourselves and got back on the bikes to head for PIZZA! The ride south to Solona from Carlsbad is another great stretch of road. Thousands of cyclists travel this route every week, and for good reason. I love riding through Leucadia and Encinitas on the coast highway. We reached our destination where Burl was waiting for us. Once we stashed the bikes, we were ready to feast. Jim Kadonaga donated $20 towards the party but was not able to stay and eat with us. Thanks Jim! We took over the place, which BTW, has EXCELLENT root beer! I was content with that, as others sampled the brew. The pizza was also very tasty. Shortly after we were seated JB ran into Wally, a friend and previous employee, and suddenly the party was in full swing. I guess Wally hangs out there! Cool, JB was having a ball and by the time we were ready to leave, JB was still in party mode. We were completly packed up by the time JB cut it loose. As we were about to drive off another old cycling friend, Dan Rock, came by on his bike on the way to the surf. Wally alerted him that JB was in the neighborhood so he rode over and said hello to us. It's great to see old friends again, especially when it's so unexpected.
Overall we had a great time and a great ride. I'm planning to do this again next year but with a more extensive ride through Rancho Santa Fe. I have learned that when we go on the open road like this we need to keep closer track of everyone since the various levels of fitness become more of a factor. Glad everyone survived. Thanks to all who showed up for the ride.
Next stop, Hetchins Heavan in Fallbrook. Plan to join us on Sat. April 19 if you can I will need a head count as we get nearer the date so that refreshments can be planned.
Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Desperately grasping for a quote of the day, and I got nothing. Rats!