RE: [CR]Strawberry Frame

(Example: Framebuilding:Restoration)

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Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 12:05:13 -0500
From: "Grant McLean" <>
Subject: RE: [CR]Strawberry Frame
To: 'Brandon Ives' <>
cc: "Classic Rendezvous Mail List \(E-mail\)" <>

Hi Brandon,

Fair enough. I like "outside the box" frames too.

I just feel that that the execution on this frame gives it a very unbalanced and unpleasing proportion, to my eye. I can't 'give points' as you say, just for attempting something different, when the results fail to produce a balanced design on the whole.

Tomato, tomato...

Grant McLean Torono, Canada

-----Original Message----- From: Brandon Ives []

Too each their own, but let me lay down why I like it. I find a large percentage of bikes, classic bikes included, very boring. I really appreciate builders who 'think outside of the box.' Building a bike is not rocket science and I think just about anybody on this list could make their own. Anyway, I think people spend too much time looking at fancy lugs and not thinking about the look or design of the rest of the frame. There are tons of folk that just build the same frame over and over. . . and over.

If a builder is willing to break with tradition that gives them bonus points in my book. Take e-richie's frames for example, he uses oversized tubing on all(?) his frames. I'm sure he gets flak from people that want a classic looking bike. But he was willing to step away from tradition and built using oversized tubes. Rene Herse looked at what was around him and said, 'I can do better' and he did in many cases. I like touring frames that have racks brazed on because it shows that the builder is thinking of how the bike is going to be used.

In the case of the Strawberry seat binder it's a much better way of binding the seatpost that previous methods. Remember all the aero bikes that just used a screw into the seatpost. It would scar the post and also not hold it very well either. Also the bike just looks clean to me and I like wishbone monostays. Again to each their own, and the fewer people that like bikes I like the easier it is for me to get them. ciao, Brandon"monkeyman"Ives pedals to a different drummer in Santa Barbara, Calif