My Ron Stout has a really beefy wishbone. It has a normal frame tube attached at the seat lug. The end of this tube terminates right above the tire and is capped and finished beautifully. The seat stays are then joined to this tube at the lowest point possible.
I like the look myself, as it is very clean and different.
Pictures available if anyone is interested.
Rod Kronenberg
Fort Collins, CO
> On Friday, March 28, 2003, at 09:06 AM, wrote:
> > Why don't more builders use the "wishbone" seatstay arrangement?
> > Is it the "look?
> > the ride?
> > harder to build?
> Well as we saw a couple weeks back BSA was building with them in the
> late 'teens in the thirties. I know the not-so-popular Fred Parr built
> with them 30 years ago.
> more recently with the cast Strawberry wishbone
> cast Strawberry wishbone also. If anyone would like to know more about
> Strawberry you can check out their web page at
> I really like his lug cut.
> Personally I like wishbones and plan to use the 2-3 of the cast
> wishbones in my frame parts bin at some time. Also using what I
> learned at Bike Friday (who use wishbones in an unclassic way) I've
> some up with a few ideas that I haven't seen before that I'd like to
> try. I think mainly wishbones are mainly a look, though I'm sure some
> people would differ. They might be a little lighter and a little
> weaker laterally but that's just a guess.
> enjoy,
> Brandon"monkeyman"Ives
> Doing laundry and thinking about
> bikes on a paid holiday in sunny
> Santa Barbara, Calif.