[CR]Road trip to Cupertino

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 13:52:53 -0700
From: "Brian Baylis" <rocklube@adnc.com>
To: classic rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Road trip to Cupertino

Dear listmembers,

I will be attending the 50th Anniversary celebration of the Cupertino

Bike Shop this weekend. I will be driving up with Chuck Schmidt with a

carload of bikes. This sort of came up in my plans on short notice and

taking the time to do this is difficult. I have so much work to attend

to I can hardly see straight. I've been moving FULL BLAST since I got

home from Greensboro, stopping only to sleep or eat as neccessary, and

still haven't covered even the most pressing projects. I really wish

there were 3 of me because that's what it would take to keep up with all

of this. I'm on the verge of putting out the word for some help with all

of this.

I'm bringing two Baylis bikes, my favorite track bike (as featured in

Bicycle Guide back in about 1994 or so) and my Vibrant-Hellenic road

bike with the Hurlow pattern lugs. I am also bringing my 1970 Colnago

super that has recently been completed. This is the bike I wanted as a

young rider. I actually had a bike like this except mine was orange as

opposed to this killer "electric blue" with yellow decals. Now, after 30

years I finally have the Colnago of my dreams. Rides wonderfully as

well. Since I am probably the owner of more Montelatici frames than

anyone else in the US (I will have 3 once I pay for the last one) I

thought I would bring out the most recent one for show. It is a mongrel

partswise, but that's the way I do it for myself. I can't afford the

time or money to nit-pick every part for period correctness and whatnot,

but I try to capture the spirit of the bike and the era the best I can

with the parts I have in hand. Actually only compromised on the brakes

and levers in order to fit nutted short reach brakes and areo brake

levers to the bike.

I'm looking forward to seeing the gang again and soaking in the Nor Cal

vibes like a sponge. I will be wearing my ceremonial "BS" jersey and

shorts for the ride. Expecting good fun, but one element is missing to

make this molotov cocktail burn. Yeah, you guessed it! We will be

missing Pergolizzi on this one. Nothing quite like having John on the

ride. He's like the whipped cream on your hot chocolate, the chilli

peppers in the salsa, the shot of whiskey in your Irish coffee. Without

the catalyst there make not be a reaction, but we will give it the old

college try. I hear there may be a guest that has not been announcing

their intentions to join us. But rest assured, we WILL have a great

time, see and ride some great bikes, and hang out with a great crowd of

vintage bike lovers. I will write a full report upon my return so that

the listmembers not able to attend will feel fully jealous! Hey, it's

what I do.


Brian Baylis

La Mesa, CA

Really miss having you out here John. You're like icing on the cake,

cherry juice in the coke, cream filling in the twinkie. I think you get

my drift. The weather IS here (finally), wish you were beautiful, baby!