Re: [CR]Chris Beyer has passed away

(Example: Framebuilders:Tubing)

Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 14:03:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Mark Poore" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Chris Beyer has passed away
In-Reply-To: <>

It is said how sometimes you don't miss someone until they are gone. While driving home from the Cirque this year I wondered why Chris wasn't there and now I know why. At my first Cirque Chris gave me a ride to dinner and we chatted about bikes. My interest was towards racing bikes and his more towards touring. Having never really had an interest in bikes with fenders I saw his Phil Brown, I believe it was, and looking over this bike I started to see the beauty in this machine as well as the logic. In my basement at this time I have a bike, although nothing as nice as Chris's, that is being rebuilt with fenders and racks and through this whole process I have been thinking of Chris and the appreciation he has fostered in me for this type of bike. Chris, I missed you at the Cirque and will miss you in the years to come. God's speed my friend, Mark Poore Under the overcast skies of Slatyfork, WV

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