We have a date of Saturday June 28th for our CR get together at Larz Anderson. Plans are loose at this point, but we'll start early with a Ride around Boston famed Emerald Necklace greenspace, come back to the Museum, shmooz over our bikes etc and have a catered lunch or BBQ, and bring along parts to swap. This is not intended to be a show, just a get together of friends from the CR and other folks from the Northeast area who enjoy Lightweights. Our cost will be $150 to rent a portion of the grounds that day plus cost of a caterer. Cost will be $10.00 for the day, and any additional funds will go to a charity in memory of Chris Beyer. If your interested, please email to me so we can figure out roughly how many will attend that day. We hope to see many of our CR friends there. Regards, Peter