
(Example: Production Builders:Cinelli)

Date: Sat, 24 May 2003 18:30:38 -0400
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
From: "Larry Osborn" <losborn2@wvu.edu>
Subject: [CR]Chris

Way behind on checking the CR in-box, but immediately focused on the Chris Beyer stuff. Really hope this doesn't become a post-Cirque tradition. Appreciated other people's comments. Was reminded of our mutual discovery a couple years back that Wayne Bingham and I had tapped into totally different musical tastes with Chris. Both of us enjoying stuff that the other would never contaminate their ears or tapeplayer with. And when I tried to corrupt Chris with some of the other more bizarre stuff that I enjoy, that's where the musical overlap ended, very abruptly, but humorously. Both of us would have rather jammed knitting needles into our ears rather than listen to the other crappe we each enjoyed separately. Enjoyed being reminded of some other aspects of his very diverse personality. I always wonder how people find the time and energy to pursue so many interests, in such depth, AND share that enthusiasm with others.

I suppose that's why I try to concentrate on the more amusing aspects of some members' personalities when I write a swap report. Trying to add that third dimension to somebody who may otherwise only be a name on an email. The bikes and parts are fun, but they're just a catalyst for so much more.

Very glad that there is at least one layer of previous ownership between me and possible reinfection by the infamous Meral. At the time, as the original carrier to the group, sorry that I inflicted that thing others, and feared I might become the group pariah as it worked it's way from person to person, about as welcome as a rabid raccoon. But it has provided considerable entertainment that goes way beyond it's value as just a bike. I still remember my reaction upon seeing how much fun Chris had with it. There are no bad bikes. Just troubled bikes looking for a good home. So obviously I connected with Chris's great sense of fun (and others in the group). Always smiling like a kid on Chrismas morning who had already snuck downstairs early to play with his presents, and everybody else's. Very envious of that. Made treasure hunting / scavenging at the swaps together more fun than I should be allowed. But I just know they're both gonna come back to haunt my Franco-phobic ass. That too would fit in with his sense of fun.

Reading this stuff reminded me of some other defining moments in friendships. Moments when I received confimation that there was somebody really special inside there. Never know when they're going to happen, look forward to them, and usually aware when they HAVE happened. KS intentionally riding over a can in the road, which promptly wrapped around his tire, jammed in his chainstays, and while in contact with the knobs on his mountain bike tires it sounded like the biggest/loudest baseball card in the spokes I've ever heard. He was immediately out of the saddle, cranking as hard as he could, smiling, and not about to stop until he reached the top of the hill. Old pal Gibb, fellow AVA death stem survivor, discovering that a certain appendage could in fact "fall asleep" in the saddle, careening off the road in total panic until the pins and needles went away. Now that's comedy, as long as it's happening to somebody else. CB waiting for me after I partially dislocated a shoulder too early in a ride, 5 miles from the nearest ice, 30 miles the other way back to my car, and making some sarcastic comment that had me laughing so hard the other shoulder locked up too. THAT's a friend. (Or maybe just a sadist. ). A ride without laughter is just a workout. A swap without laughter is just more junque to put away when I get home. I do miss those kooks, and others. So if you see me weave to ride over a can on the pavement, please excuse my impromptu little memorial service. And still can't help but smile for a moment every time a shoulder jazzes up on a ride. But I'm still not gonna ride ugly green French bikes. Nope, nope, gotta draw the line somewhere.

Too many similar events in my little world over the last couple years have left huge, gaping holes in the safety net of friends it's taken a lifetime to weave. Hoped Chris would fill one of those holes for a long time to come. Wrong again. Still, sooo much better than trying to hold things together with duct tape, even if only for a few years, despite the seemingly inevitable pain and sense of loss. Another day, another new vacancy to fill. So it goes kids. I guess many of us are reaching that age, and there are no guarantees. None of it has to make any sense, or be fair. Sorry, that's as philosophic as I can afford to get these days. As I said to Dale privately after the Cirque, and I guess I'm about to do publicly, I thank him again for collecting such an interesting group of people from which to find some friends for the REST of our lives.

Uh oh. I see a bike & rider on the horizon. It's acid green. He's smiling. Wait a minute, I've seen those two together before. This canNOT be good. They're headed this way. Crappe, they're gaining on me!
I gotta go!!
Bruceton Hills, WV