The reason this is a problem on track bikes and not road bikes is because some riders prefer to tape only the lower half of their bars. In this case when the bar contacts the top tube there is very little protection.
Jamie Swan - big on protection - Northport, N.Y.
John Pergolizzi wrote:
> Hey Greg,
> The top tube wrap trick goes way back and all good trackies partake. In
> a shunt, or even if only in a strong hit ( like the wheel swinging around
> while loading the bike in the Ferrari, the top tube will get dented. Steel
> bars + maybe 531 superlight tubing = "UHHHH" (mass depression). Sooooo....
> just start taping where the bars would hit if.... and prevent the damage.
> The tape softens the blow; absorbs the energy. But the "sweat catcher "
> thing does sound sexy.
> Remember to move the tape should you raise or lower the bars.
> Enjoy,
> ciao,
> GianTindaro Pergolizzi
> N.Y.C.
> 42 mi. in Central Park
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg Brooks" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 8:48 PM
> Subject: [CR]top tube bar tape
> > I hate to show my ignorance, but.. At the Cirque this year & periodically
> 0n ebay I have seen bikes with a single band of what appears to be cloth bar
> tape wrapped around the top tube 6 or so inches from the headtube. What
> function does this serve? The only thing I could think of was some type of
> sweat catcher. If that is the purpose I would have to wrap most of my top
> tube. I seem to dribble sweat all over the front half of my bike.
> > Greg (sweatr machine) Brooks
> > Ridgetop,TN