Gang, a nice Cinelli of very desireable '68-71 vintage, is offered for sale, it is a 53 c/c which is about 54 c/t, Cinelli silver (Cycle Art repaint 10 years ago) with full Campy NR gruppo, Unicanitor saddle and Schereen Weltmeister rims.
Seller is legit and very trustworthy, this looks like a nice bike in great condition. Email Michael at for more information.
Price 1750, offers considered. See it at
Usual disclaimer: I do not stand to benefit in any way from this sale.
===================================================== Mark Petry 206.618.9642 Beautiful Bainbridge Island, WA
===================================================== "Never be afraid to try something new. The Ark was designed by amateurs. The Titanic was designed by professionals."
R. Buckminister Fuller =====================================================