Re: [CR]Marques de cycles des constructeurs Belges

(Example: Events)

Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 03:21:58 +0200
From: "Renaissance-Cycles" <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Marques de cycles des constructeurs Belges
To: Renaissance-Cycles <>,, CR <>
References: <> <009301c32d47$d5c9dc90$0100a8c0@warehouse>

OOps!................Sorry about this I thought I was emailing only Jay and not the list!............But that's the way it is over here. Sorry for the out of time line stuff!..........But also there is still 2 diamant brand bikes in Belgium, one coming out of the French speaking part and the other is I guess the Dutch part!.................The 2 really dosen't get along! The French speaking part is a hard place to make contact while the the Dutch is very easy.............Geeze the same goes for the street signs! French and Dutch...........I thought one day I was in France! So if in Belgium watch your step.

Hey Chuck!................I was wondering where you got the beer thing?!?! Now I know.

Baron C...............And the gang!!
Renaissance cycles,
Eindhoven Holland.

----- Original Message -----
From: Renaissance-Cycles
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 12:55 AM
Subject: Re: [CR]Marques de cycles des constructeurs Belges

> Jay!
> I'd love to have a list, but he can send it here to
> Holland!....................I'm right over the boarder!
> So if you have a place or contact it would be nice and we can save you the
> troubles. You know most every
> good sized shop there in Belgium used to market their own house brand, I'm
> curious if some of these
> brands from the past are with this list...................As of now there
> are several wholesalers who provide
> shops with their house brands for todays market! If you plug into
> This is Simons
> of Belgium they supply a lot of the lower end to mid rage bikes with
> another, bike tech supplies the upper
> end stuff. What you see as their Diamant brand, these very same frames are
> used by their customer
> base for their current house offerings!..........Every time there I always
> count no less than 10 or 12 different
> marqes on the racks!...........If a customer needs just one bike, it's ready
> in 2 weeks time! From paint shop
> to assembly then straight to the customer....................3 GUYS IN THE
> When looking through the list, these same 3 guys does all of the wrenching
> for Simons complete offerings
> of Gianni Motta, Diamant and Rider...................Then there's all of the
> house brands! It's like Santas
> work shop............One of the best deals for the market there, warranties
> are simple and fast!
> Geeze! Warrantie framesets from as far back as the '60s are stacked to the
> high heavens!
> BTW: The Belgiums are as crazy about bicycles as they are
> beer!..................I think there is still
> well over 2,000 brands running around in Belgium.
> Let me know,
> BC....................And the gang!!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jay Van De Velde" <>
> To: "CR" <>
> Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 11:56 PM
> Subject: [CR]Marques de cycles des constructeurs Belges
> >
> > In response to a (not so) recent thread on Belgian bicycle builders, I
> sent an inquiry to a Belgian vintage bike club. From them I received a list
> of all the Belgian builders/constructeurs active from 1895 to 1965. Holy
> cow! The list runs 25 pages long and lists over 2,400 makes. The list
> includes the name brand, the name of the "constructeur" or "kopmerk"(meaning
> wholesaler or distributor) with a designation for one or the other, and the
> town or city of origin. For example, I learn that the marque "Groene Leeuw"
> is a constructeur built bike, built by A. De Kimpe from the town of
> Kruishoutem. Also there were three different "Gloria" marques, each built in
> different towns by different builders. Who knew? I would be willing to
> provide copies of this list, but the compiler is asking 5 euros for it,
> including postage to US (more or less elsewhere)to compensate for his
> troubles, so I don't think it's right that I give away what he has worked so
> hard compiling. Email me offlist if y
> > ou wish the contact information.
> > Jay Van De Velde
> > Seal Beach, CA
> > ps. from what I surmise, their is no distinction made among the builders
> of the bicycles, they are all refered to as "constructeurs"