Re: [CR]CR List... guitars, drums, Giant bikes on eBay, etc etc

(Example: Framebuilders:Jack Taylor)

Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2003 12:25:07 -0400
Subject: Re: [CR]CR List... guitars, drums, Giant bikes on eBay, etc etc
From: "Richard M Sachs" <>

dale et al. i will heed this warning. before i sign off i want to make this point: i think the synergys between the instrument making world as well as its clientele, (as well as the 'worlds' of tailoring, jewelrysmithing, cabinetmaking, etcetera...), and our little classic bicycle world are infinite. over 20 years ago, i stopped using 'my' industry to fuel my zeal for framebuilding and started looking outside of it for inspira- tion(s). let's face it, there is very little of value in today's market for a CR list devotee. agreed-you can continue talking about lug filing, and patent vs brev, and the pink that mercier used, ad infinitum. i think it would be a breath of fresh air to consider how other trades with similar historys/lineages/marketing trends compare with ours. i think it can only raise the bar of awareness, not suppress it. if there are those on the list that are intimidated by the mail volume because some of it contains arcane or 'ephemera' type subject matter, that bothers me. i have a very hard time seperating it all. earlier this week i posted about a NY Times article relevant to Steinway & Sons. i included a pulled quote that mentioned the term, "antimanufacturing". imo, there can't be anything more analagous to the bicycles within the list timeline than such a term. and i also still believe that this type of information has merit on a list like this. apologies to those who disagree. e-RICHIE Richard Sachs Cycles No.9, North Main Street Chester, CT 06412 USA Tel. 860.526.2059

On Sun, 15 Jun 2003 11:55:32 EDT writes: Ladies and gentleman:

Once again, as entranced as I might become in any of these and other tangental topics, I must urge, no, insist that you stay "on Topic" on the CR list. Sadly, this past week I bid farewell to 3 more members who cannot take the volume of this list. We must stick to the topic.

I go back to the basic tenets of this list's founding and remind everyone

that it is not a "chat list"! If you want to dash off uninhibited messages with little or no vintage bike content, do it privately to that person and do not burden the entire list with that message!

If you are relatively new to the CR list, PLEASE take another look at the <A HREF="">CR list rules</A>. There are a few other things there that folks routinely ignore (for instance, message sign off requirement.) Please take a minute and quickly read it again.. They have been tweaked a bit over the years (not much though!) but the core philosophy has not changed.

On the other hand, I would like to thank more than a few folk who have heeded my warnings (off list always!) and have consciously changed their habits to adapt to the CR list's peculiar rules. I know it took a special effort on their parts, and I think the list, on a whole, is doing very much better!

Thanks Dale

Dale Brown
List owner
Greensboro, North Carolina