John Tomac was Re: [CR]Major Taylor's book

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From: "Wspokes" <>
To: "Mark Poore" <>, <>
References: <>
Subject: John Tomac was Re: [CR]Major Taylor's book
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:14:58 -0400

I remember watching John win the Thrift Drug Classic in Pittsburgh on TV when he rode for Motorolo in the early days! He was the first road rider that encouraged me to go from riding to racing so in my young years...he was classic. I got to talk with him at Mt Snow Vermont some years afterward and I was wearing a bones and glasses Jersey like one of his first Team Jerseys. He autographed the shoulder in permanent marker for me. Great all around guy and friendly. A true asset to the sport

Walt Skrzypek
Falls Creek, Pa

----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Poore
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 10:06 PM
Subject: [CR]Major Taylor's book

> Today "The Fastest Bicyle Rider In the World" book arrived. There were two of Major's obituaries pasted inside which subdued the trill of holding the book temporarily, but reminded me of the hardships this great champion endured in his final years. Would like to leave you with a quote from the book, "He is a perfect wonder on the wheel, which he rides much easier than any other rider on the track, and yet he always seems to have a reserve force that would land him a winner."
> Haven't ridden in over a week now, but did get to talk to John Tomac Sunday after the NORBA Downhill. Anyone remember when he was training while on the road team and his team mates encouraged him to do a wheelie? Great all around rider as well as person. To young folks he is vintage.
> Mark Poore
> Still wet and cool in Slatyfork, WV
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