[CR]Was brake caliper tension - early Dura Ace aero levers

(Example: Racing)

content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 16:13:55 -0400
Thread-Topic: Was brake caliper tension - early Dura Ace aero levers
Thread-Index: AcM2lctx+QxP0Z83RVuyBQT+0RSX0wABpMQA
From: "Bingham, Wayne R." <WBINGHAM@imf.org>
To: "Bowen, Steve" <Steve.Bowen@umusic.com>, "Grant McLean" <Grant.McLean@SportingLife.ca>, <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Subject: [CR]Was brake caliper tension - early Dura Ace aero levers

Steve wrote:
>>>A few months ago I purchased on e-Bay a pair of NOS Dura-Ace aero brake levers. They don't have springs in them. They're quite elegant, and the metal levers are a little on the small side.

1) Does anyone know when these might have been made, and what type of calipers they were intended for?

2) How well might they work with current Shimano double pivot brake calipers? <<<<<<

Prior to the early Dura Ace SLR aero levers Sheldon referred to, Shimano released a very similar non-SLR version with matching gray, single pivot calipers, which was coupled with their 6sp index system (DT shifters) and cassette hub. Don't know the year exactly (and may be pushing the CR time line here - oh no!), but think it may have been '84 or '85. My '83 3Rensho had these components on it.

I've mixed and matched various levers and calipers (SLR/BRS with non-SLR/BRS on both ends). All successfully, but with variable feel and response. Different types of cables and housing make a big difference too. Be bold! Experiment!

Wayne "Leveraged" Bingham
Falls Church VA