[CR]Self Reliance , Century Rides , Vintage Travel , The Olden Days

(Example: Books)

From: "Raoul Delmare" <Raoul.L.Delmare@worldnet.att.net>
To: "C.R. List" <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>, "Bruce C." <BruceCumberland@comcast.net>
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 14:44:15 -0500
Subject: [CR]Self Reliance , Century Rides , Vintage Travel , The Olden Days

I included an old friend of mine ( not a C. R. member - yet ) in some of the discussion on travel cases . Here's what he sent me , on the subject of a weekend ride to Laredo , Texas ( I told him I was posting it to the list ) .

The following happened in approximately 1979 . The whole bunch of us were just college students having fun with bicycles .

You need to understand that bicycling from Kingsville , Texas , to Laredo , Texas , is slightly uphill all the way , slightly like crossing the Sinai Dessert , and slightly nuts . Also , it was probably slightly more than 130 miles total . And this was all long-long before they invented Camelbak hydration packs .

Was this on the black Schwinn P13 Deluxe Road Racing Paramount ? Or was this later , on the robin's egg blue Ron Cooper ?

If I remember correctly , Bruce wanted to start on Saturday , and be back in Kingsville , in class at Texas A & I University , on Monday morning . Bruce was probably managing the Kingsville Bicycle clinic at that time . Bicycle boxes were available . But he found himself needing to ship an empty bicycle box . His concern was that it would get totally flattened in transit , and lose all of its strength . So he used a little custom carpentry , and a lot of self reliance .

Raoul Delmare
Kingsville Texas

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Cumberland"
To: "Raoul Delmare"
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: Travel Cases - Hard versus Soft

> This reminds me of when I wanted to ride to Laredo, to visit my sister
> Betty and knew I wouldn't have time to get back for Monday class.
> I reinforced a bike box with wood. I shipped it on Greyhound,
> to my attention.
> When it was time to return Monday morning. I rode my bike to the bus
> station, claimed the box, and packed the box in the bus terminal.
> The two of us (bike & myself) rode the bus to Kingsville. I claimed the
> boxed bike, reassembled, and rode to class.
> Very proud of myself for that bit of self reliance.