I have two of the TA Criterium chainwheel sets, bought from Mike Kone. They appear to be a similar inside bolt circle to old Campy 151 BCD, but Sutherlands says they are 152 BCD. I think one has a 44T small ring, which may have been the smallest available. They look like they fit the same RH crankarm as Cyclotourist chainwheel sets. Not sure what I am going to use these for, I think I bought them out of nostalgia, as I had seen many old photos of Beryl Burton using this chainset. Not great for climbing, but then Beryl won her greatest fame as a time trialist, not a grimpere (or whatever the feminine of grimpeur is). Not too many hills in Houston, so maybe I'll yet actually use these cranks.
Jerry Moos
Houston, TX
> In a message dated 6/24/03 3:30:17 PM, REClassicBikes@aol.com writes:
> << TA also used to make a double adapter, a five arm spider which bolted
> the 5 holes in the crank. I think this was a 144 BCD, but I would need to
> check. >>
> I've never seen any reference to T.A. having made somthing like this,
> Williams made a 5 arm 151 BCD adaptor for the AB77 set that mounted to a 5
> pin 50.4 BCD crank.
> Best regards,
> Wes Gadd