A little something about rims and labels. What matters when building a wheel is where the first spoke is placed, and how the sequence proceeds from there. The last thing one should be looking at is which way the label is facing. Be mindful of an imperfect seem or something that matters, but never mind the label. If all of the rim decals are put on the same way, then the wheels I built at Masi all had labels facing one direction anyway, since the reference point of the first spoke hole was consistant. It doesn't even matter with the front wheel; if it needs to go the other way, just turn the skewer around and you're set. For those who assmeble their bikes for show, there is no harm in conforming to these little fetishes if one wants to. I suppose that's part of the the fun for some of us. At Masi it was a non-issue. Tire glue on a sidewall, now THAT!! is an issue. There was a zero tolerence policy in that respect.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
> FYI, when I phrased the description of the tire labels and the rim
> labels, I
> wasn't making a judgment as to what was incorrect, or correct- in case
> you
> thought I did. Rather, I was trying to describe which way the label was
> read.
> In the printing business, (which I'm in for my day job) we talk about
> "right
> reading" or "it reads right" because we work with film negatives and
> sometimes
> the words are backwards which can be "correct", but not "right", if you
> know
> what I mean.
> So, I was in a dilemma as to how I would phrase it because if I said
> "right"
> someone might think I meant from the right side... and if I said
> "correct" they
> might think I was making a judgment as to what was correct for the era.
> Oh well,
> Thanks for listening to me.
> John Barron
> Minneapolis