CR List and Mitch Harris --- I think the hidden-spring Suberbe Pro brakes came out in the mid 1980's. I remember walking into the Wheelworks in Davis, CA and having the proprietor, Dave Peterson, hand me a caliper of the new, hidden-spring Superbe Pros to show off the cool hidden spring. That was after 1984. I already had a pair of esposed-spring Superbe Pros on my PX-10 -- replaced the Mafac's with them at the same time I changed to a 3ttt stem and bars. They eventually lasted for over 18 years. They were very much like Campy Record /Super Record brakes. Some people of my acquaintance referred to the nicer Japanese stuff as "Japagnolo," because it was such a good imitation of Campy. Kind of a put-down, but at the same time a grudging compliment. It's really a shame that Suntour went belly up. So much of their stuff was nicer than the comparable Shimano gear -- nicer looking and smoother working and better finished.
--- David Faulkner in Sacramento, where it was cool enough for long sleeves on my ride to work this morning