Re: [CR]RE: Cellini on Ebay

(Example: Production Builders:Teledyne)

From: <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 21:54:16 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR]RE: Cellini on Ebay

In a message dated 7/6/2003 9:10:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> Kurt Sperry wrote:
> >
> >Maybe it's the photos but that may be the worst looking "gold plating" I've
> ever seen. Is it me or does that bike strike anyone else as perhaps a little
> amateurish looking? Maybe it's just the photos. The name is uncomfortably
> close to Cinelli too. Hmmmmm... I hope this isn't somebody here's bike LOL
> >
> >Kurt Sperry
> >Bellingham WA
> Marina del Rey bike shop (located just to the south of Santa Monica, CA)
> had three of these in the 1980s. They didn't get sold for years and
> years and finally the owner of the shop, George Garvey, got so
> frustrated that he had two of them painted in some color other than the
> satin black they came in. The ones he had also had 24kt. plated parts!
> Finally sold two of the three, but never did sell the last one (satin
> black with 24kt. gold and 24kt. gold parts).
> I think they were just too ostentatious for even people in the Marina
> del Rey area (probably too much for Beverly Hills too).
> Remember all the gold plated Colnagos from the late 1970s? They are a
> big hit at the trade shows but not so popular with potential customers I
> think.
> I guess eBay will show us the current market value of a Cellini ;)
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, CA
> .

I'm watching that one too. I have the satin black version. It came with a placque that looks like the kind a placque a wannabee executive puts on his office door, complete with a gold colored chain by which to hang it. When the gold is polished it looks OK, but I hesitate to polish it too much. It appears t h i n. Surely the type of machine that would/should get marketed from outside consortia as ours here at the CR homestead

Larry Black and Gold
Mt Airy, Md.