Not quite as off-topic as you might think.
These have been produced periodically through the ages. I've seen pictures of a couple, but the only one I can lay hands on at the moment is in "Classic American Bicycles" by Jay Pridmore (p. 94). It is a modern example, unfortunately accompanied by the predictable technobabble about frame properties and such. Unlike the example on the bamboo site, which uses metal lugs, it is held together with epoxy-impregnated hemp twine. (Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!)
Steve Maas Long Beach, California wrote:
> <A HREF="">
> ABS - Bamboo Bicycle</A>
> This was posted on the Frambuilders list. Forgive me if it's off-topic but
> this is just too interesting. The bike appears to be not a thrown-together
> curiosity or cane-wrapped gas-pipe special but rather a beautifully designed and
> well-crafted bicycle.
> I'd nominate the builder as a keeper of the flame (the bike actually does
> appear to have lugs as well as a pleasingly old-fashioned look), but I don't
> think you'd want to get a flame anywhere near this thing.
> Bob Hovey
> Columbus, GA
> _______________________________________________
> .