In a message dated 9/1/2003 12:01:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 03:00:28 EDT
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [CR]Req. info, Original Campy brake levers, and the difference
> Message-ID: <>
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> Precedence: list
> Message: 13
> Greetings all,
> I pulled these two postings out of the archives. Other than mention of
> "mythical long reach Super Record levers", these are just about the only two
> hits I could find that cover the subject of the Campagnolo Record (or Nuovo
> Record?) brake lever style changing very early. This confuses me, because I
> thought I had seen it discussed more thoroughly on one of the lists
> before...
> Regardless, do any of us know the full skinny on the difference between
> the lever styles? I have examples of both levers; the underside near the
> pivot
> of one has a long wide slot cut out, ovalized at the end, while the other
> has
> almost a full circle cut out. The problem is, I don't remember which is
> which, and I would like to know the approximate cutoff year of the original
> style.
> Thanks for any help...
> Best regards,
> Mark Agree
> Southfield MI
> >Archive-URL: ><A HREF="">
> ml</A>
> >From:
> >Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 17:47:32 EST
> >Subject: <A HREF="">[CR]Campagnolo Brake Levers with Long Reach</A>
> >I took out my Cinelli Supercorsa from the late '60's with all Nuovo Record
> >for the first time in a long time, and noticed that the reach on the brake
> >levers was longer than on my other bikes, almost uncomfortably so. I have
> >large hands, and was surprised at this. I compared the bike to my other NR
> >equipped bikes, and sure enough, the others had about an inch less reach.
> >Did early Campy brake levers have longer reach than later issues?
> >Josh Berger
> >Archive-URL: ><A HREF="">
> ml</A>
> >Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 18:38:26 -0500
> >Subject: <A HREF="">Re: [CR]Campagnolo Brake Levers with Long Reach</A>
> >From: Richard M Sachs <>
> >we have a winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >this was discussed before as a data point with regard to
> >the item, but not its' use on a bike. the earliest lever
> >handles had a different shape at their top, allowing
> >them to bottom out in the lever body differently
> >than those that succeeded them. thus, they were a
> >longer reach from the bars than the next generation
> >of handles. if you superimposed the 2 handles
> >upon each other, only the uppermost couple
> >o' millemeters would be different. there's no mention
> >of this in any catalogs. there was no 'new and improved'
> >lever handle intro'ed when the revision occurred. ironically,
> >all the catalog clip art right thru the early 80's shows the
> >earlier handle, tho' it was long replaced by then. only
> >when photos replaced line drawings did we 'see' the
> >newer version in print.
> >i hope that helps, lee!
> >> Did early Campy brake levers have longer reach than later issues?
> >> Josh Berger
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> End of Classicrendezvous Digest, Vol 9, Issue 1
> ***********************************************
Hi, Y'all,
Ed Litton gave me the address to this newsgroup and it has been fun reading all the posts. I have quite a few Campy NR and SR brake levers floating around my garage left over from having a retail shop for a number of years. If you disassemble the Campy NR and SR levers and place one on top of the other, you'll notice that about 4 mm is absent from the NR lever above the cable end pivot, for lack of a better term. The additional material on the Super Record version brings the lever closer in towards the handlebars and makes it appear longer as it is more vertical. I used to close up the reach on both NR and SR riders with small hands by drilling a 2.5mm hole and threading it with a 3mm dropout tap on the inside of the lever and used the head of a dropout screw stopped against the housing of the brake hood stationary frame. The change, additional material to the top of the SR levers shows up on the first ones I've seen from 1975. Some of the later SR levers from the mid 80's seem to have slightly bigger holes drilled in the face. Hope this helps.
Paul Brown