Bar-end shift installation(was:Re: [CR]Bar Cons vs Bar ends

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing:Falck)

From: <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 09:56:49 EST
Subject: Bar-end shift installation(was:Re: [CR]Bar Cons vs Bar ends

In a message dated 1/16/2003 9:10:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> installation, many of us bar-end shifter users routinely lope a
> >cm
> >or two off the bar for a more natural grasp and reach
> >
> >
> This seems to come up a lot with bar end shifters.
> Doesn't this depend to some extent on the bars you're using and maybe your
> hand size?

But of course, most remember the 'measure twice, cut once' theory, but if a given bar fits, then adding the shift extends that with which you started. If it was too short, it would make it fit correctly.

It's all personal, but I've seen some installations that really protruded to the funny point. As far as the 'sneaky pete' issue, many of us used the bar-end on the right and a dt on the left, which was only use occassionally.

Larry Black
Washington, DC