About 9 people (do bike fanatics count as people?) huddled around a video screen last night watching Phil Liggetts Documentrary on Coppi's career. Need I say there was great pizza, beer and wonderful spirits in the air? As the drama unfolds, as many of you know, Coppi is "misdiagnosed" with influenza. I use quotes because the info was available to have treated him for malaria. Anyway, Phil intones Jan.2, 1960 as his deathdate. Pergolizzi jumps like a tiger! Holy shit-- we somehow stumbled into the anniversary of his death to show this video -- with no conscious forethought. The odds are 364:1 against this so clearly some move was afoot in the spirit world to guide us to this meeting. In any case, the support continues to develop a screenplay on a Coppi drama. Rain/snow/sleet? in NYC Alan Bernstein