Re: [CR]Re: Plastic cyclist toys

(Example: Framebuilders:Mario Confente)

Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 21:12:35 -0700
Subject: Re: [CR]Re: Plastic cyclist toys
From: "Steven L. Sheffield" <>
To: Classic Rendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <>

Norev miniatures are available through World Cycling Productions and the Tour de France offical boutique.

on 01/21/2003 08:56 PM, Steve Kurt at wrote:
> From: "Mark Stevens" <>
> "Hi All, does anyone on the list collect toys related to
> cycling? I have been trying to find info on a collection of
> plastic racing cyclists that I guess are from the 50's.
> There is a chap in yellow , several in striped tops of
> varying colours, a chap on a Derny, 3 (Willys type) jeeps
> carrying wheels, loudspeaker and camera and 6 BMW
> motorbikes. 3 are police escorts, 1 has a rider with a team
> manager or coach with a megaphone on the pillion, 1 has a
> cameraman on pillion and one has a man with a chalkboard as
> pillion. They are crudely made and painted but exude loads
> of period charm or dare I say , mojo! There is no makers
> name visible on anything. If anyone has anything
> similar or any leads as to date and origin I would like to
> hear from you.
> All the best. Mark in Dingwall,Scotland"
> Hi Mark,
> Some time ago (over 12 years?), I saw some similar
> figures in Micheal's Cyclery, in Ames, Iowa here in the US.
> This shop was run by a fellow who also organized a race
> team (the other CR members can provide more details on Mike
> Fatka and the Skunk River Cyclists). Mike had the figures
> in a display case, and I thought they were the coolest thing
> next to Super Record parts! Never did learn anything about
> them, tho. :-( A couple of years ago, Mike shut down the
> store. Maybe someone else knows what became of the figures?
> Speaking of cycling toys/figurines, a year or two ago,
> there were some on the market, with the brand name "Norev".
> Made in France. Are those still available somewhere?
> They sold some modern figures, but also sold some nice
> "classic" ones, clad in Molteni and Peugeot jerseys (they
> have down tube shift levers too, and even a pump on the down
> tube).
> Steve Kurt
> Peoria, IL
> (just finishing touching up the paint on the recently
> aquired 753 Raleigh Team frame)
> _______________________________________________


Steven L. Sheffield stevens at veloworks dot com veloworks at worldnet dot ay tea tee dot net bellum pax est libertas servitus est ignoratio vis est ess ay ell tea ell ay kay ee sea aye tee why you ti ay aitch aitch tee tea pea colon [for word] slash [four ward] slash double-you double-yew double-ewe dot veloworks dot com [four word] slash