[CR]Monthly Rose Bowl / Run Away!

(Example: Racing:Wayne Stetina)

Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 15:51:14 -0800
From: "Brian Baylis" <rocklube@adnc.com>
To: chuckschmidt@earthlink.net
References: <3E398423.B82FE2F0@earthlink.net>
cc: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR]Monthly Rose Bowl / Run Away!


HIDE YOUR DAUGHTERS!! Pergolizzi and I are comming to terrorize South Pasadena and the surrounding areas on Sunday. We will join in on the fun; maybe we will ride my tandem. Anyone have the stuff to suck the wheel of two old farts pounding a 60 X 12? Something tells me the combination would be about like using a firecracker as a fuse for a cherry bomb! I'd better make sure the horn works! As a matter of fact I know it does because Dan Ulwelling from Rydjor Bike Shop in Minn. just tested it for me a few minutes ago during the nickel tour.

I'll see if I can score some KK's before we hit the road. I know Pergolizzi won't eat more than a dozen chocolate covered custard donuts himself. As long as I get something else there will be donuts left when we arrive.

See you all Sunday! Remember, lock your doors!

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA
> Monthly Rose Bowl vintage ride
> ATTENTION! ALERT! For those that wanted to be informed: Peter and Jan
> Johnson from Northern California WILL be attending the ride this month!
> This month's theme will be bikes built in and around the city of Milan,
> Italy. Remember this is only a theme and all bikes and their riders are welcomed!
> Starts at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California every FIRST Sunday of
> the month. Meet at the pool/picnic area parking lot at the south end of
> the park at 10:30am to introduce yourselves, talk bikes and swap parts.
> Ride will start at 11:00am sharp. The ride will be a casual-paced 25
> miles long through Pasadena, South Pasadena, San Marino, Temple City,
> Arcadia, Sierra Madre, Altadena, and back to the Rose Bowl for a picnic
> and more vintage bike talk. The ride is mostly flat with one moderate
> climb (fixed gears are fine in other words). Everyone is encouraged to
> bring and ride a 1985 or earlier bicycle, but feel free to ride anything
> you have.
> Chuck Schmidt
> South Pasadena, California


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