Re: [CR]Clear Coats Of " Paint " To Preserve Original Finish & Graphics .

Topics: Framebuilders:Brian Baylis Framebuilding:Restoration
(Example: Component Manufacturers:Avocet)

Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2003 07:38:18 -0800
From: "Brian Baylis" <>
To: Raoul Delmare <>
Subject: Re: [CR]Clear Coats Of " Paint " To Preserve Original Finish & Graphics .
References: <006a01c2b596$d9fdb580$>


I believe a clearcoat over the original finish is the best way to stop aging of an original finish. I do this on a regular basis to my own collection. Two of my three Masis have been touched up and then clearcoated with (crystal clear) DuPont Imron. My third which is nearly mint, is deteriorating just by existing because the clear on these bikes just seems to evaporate in time. I will be stopping the process soon with a clearcoat. I will feel better about riding it once that is done. It can be dulled back quite easily and become virtually undetectable when finished. The paint will be stable forever.

Yes, it is no longer completely "original" but it will still have original paint and decals which makes it very valuable historically. Each situation varies as to what it costs to accomplish the finished product. Generally $300+ unless there are no areas of touch-up required.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA
> Seriously , help !
> I too have more questions than answers .
> I have several bicycles which I have been meaning to have clear coated !
> I am assuming that "clear coating" is the best thing to do for wonderful old ORIGINAL finishes , on bicycles which are actually going to be used a little more .
> I know and understand and agree with , the statement ; Something Is Only Original Once .
> I know the differences between ; original , restored , modified .
> But , if we have bicycles which are going to be used , no matter how gently or carefully , and we want to give them the very , very best protection . . .
> What is best ? Is clear coating the best thing ?
> Clear coating with what , specifically ?
> Thanks .
> Raoul Delmare
> Marysville Kansas
> U.S.A.