Re: [CR]De Rosa verification

(Example: Books:Ron Kitching)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:11:59 EST
Subject: Re: [CR]De Rosa verification

Awesome "Investigative Reporting" Steven!

I know many of you (I hear from EVERYONE on these things...!) thought our group had beaten this topic to death and piled on this guy (the seller). I also felt that way at times myself, despite the nasty attack he made upon me and others.

On the other hand, this information, directly from De Rosa , redeems our efforts to identify and debunk those things we see on eBay and any other place when it comes to "Classic Spirit" bikes and parts. I cannot think of any better purpose for the CR list, using all our resources/members to find the truth in these matters. This case especially is a great testimony to that....

I also agree with some members that it gets old talking so much about eBay, but that is logical with eBay having become such a force in all odd-ball-item-commerce. Like it or not, eBay has become educational and convenient way to showcase all the bits and bikes many of us will have missed otherwise. It may not be ideal but it is a reality. Such is life!

Dale Brown
Greensboro, North Carolina