Kirk Goodrich wrote:
> Here's Kirk Pacenti's website. Kirk has designed a lug set and had them cast by Long Shen. These lugs are readily available and obtainable. The lugs are quite large and require a great deal of work to make them look correct. They are more like blanks and allow the builder a lot of artistic freedom. The Pacenti lugs are not intended to be used straight out of the box. This separates the men from the boys. The site isn't completed but the gallery is good and will continue to grow.
Interesting bio about Kirk Pacenti on his web site
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Etiam ac tortor. Suspendisse potenti. Ut id justo vel metus scelerisque mollis. Aenean adipiscing wisi posuere ipsum. Donec vel lorem quis mauris congue volutpat. Vestibulum quis lorem nec orci congue fermentum. Pellentesque eu mi. Sed pharetra lorem mollis diam. Phasellus eget dui ut felis vulputate accumsan. Suspendisse malesuada auctor urna. Quisque cursus. Morbi vehicula sapien sit amet arcu feugiat blandit. Fusce justo lectus, commodo non, faucibus vel, lacinia vitae, dolor. Aliquam massa sem, volutpat ac, vulputate sed, dignissim a, pede. Etiam a dui."
Chuck "I did not know that" Schmidt SoPas, SoCal