Brian ... You have NO IDEA how much work this is! Gawd. Compiling a list is nearly a FULL TIME JOB. To receive the emails, thank everyone, keep the list current...
Maybe I'm complaining... Or not that efficient. Cinelli owners registry
===================================================== Mark Petry 206.618.9642 Beautiful Bainbridge Island, WA
===================================================== Be quick, be quiet, be right. Especially right.
- Kelly Johnson =====================================================
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 12:25:59 -0800 From: "brian blum" <> To:
<major snip> Why not start a data base of Serial numbers by everyone submitting the data for all there significant bikes to a central person who can then compile a spread sheet for each brand sorted by serial number or estimate year of build. Brian In Berkeley, Ca