In a message dated 1/11/03 11:38:55 AM, writes:
> Back in July there was a thread regarding the value of one of Coppi's
> Bianchis that was auctioned. The bike was poorly restored, but the pre
> auction estimates ran $30-50K. The actual sale price to the
> auctioneer's great disappointment was about $9K.
My two cents: Coppi was one of the greatest riders of all time. A legend.
While George was a monster rider by American Amateur standards, he does not
have the palmares of the great Coppi. Period. If not for that ill fated
mosquito bite, we will never know what Coppi was capable of. So a bike
George rode to a medal in one event does not equal (in my eyes) any bike of
Coppi's. So in that vein, I think the bike/kit is probably worth in the
four thousand range at most, because it is complete, beautifully restored,
and has beautiful craftsmanship. bTW, who built it?
Just my two cents again,
Mark Rosenberg
San Diego, CA