Did anyone else think, if for only a moment, that the decals said "Velo Snort"?
Aldo Ross
shopping for new glasses in
Middletown, Ohio
> Dear CR List,
> Back in July there was a thread regarding the value of one of Coppi's
> Bianchis that was auctioned. The bike was poorly restored, but the pre
> auction estimates ran $30-50K. The actual sale price to the
> auctioneer's great disappointment was about $9K. I thought the
> discussion of the issues on list was interesting. Here then is another
> historic bike. My client is seeking opinions of value:
> Below is a link to photos of a bike, jerseys and other items used by
> George Mount in claiming his 1976 Olympic medal. This event has been
> cited as a pivotal moment for US Cycling. The bike and goods shown were
> purchased by my client in 1976 shortly after the victory. A sales
> receipt from George and a recent letter confirming authenticity is
> included. The bike had seen extensive use and some alteration since
> George rode it. We have accurately restored the bike using all original
> parts with George's oversight and participation.
> These items have been donated to the US Cycling Hall of Fame.
> I have been asked to provide a estimates of their value for tax
> purposes. Although the items will be displayed together, I am asked to
> provide a value for the bike and the supporting
> accessories/documentation as two sums for tax purposes.
> What say ye?
> http://www.cyclart.com/