Well, I don't have a problem with outing this, I'm glad someone did. And as the seller is not a member, he is not bound by our rules. But the value of classic bikes is so subjective, I like to have at least some idea of what a seller wants.
Jerry Moos
> In a message dated 10/22/2003 7:50:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
jerrymoos@sbcglobal.net writes:
> > I saw the site, but he doesn't state any asking prices. I'm always
> > uncomfortable with these "make an offer" situations. If he
> > wants to conduct
> > an auction, he should go to eBay.
> And, list rules require a price as well. While I believe outing private
offerings of collectible bicycles is a service to our hobby, I also believe
we should follow the rules, even in cases such as this. I agree with Jerry.
Lou Deeter, Orlando FL