We had one in for a tune up in the Spring. The grandparents didn't remember exactly when they got it. This one was Schwinn sparkly dark green. They were keeping it as a grand kid visit bike, but all I could think of is - do two 24" wheeled mini road bikes constitute a collection? (and how could I convince them to let me have it!)
None of my coworkers believed it was a real production bike, but it was, I remember wanting one when my brother got his Continential. I got a Stingray in sparkly green instead.
Ann Phillips, Decatur GA
Marty Walsh said:
Dear CR List, I just picked up a Bicentennial "junior'' Schwinn Varsity,the heavyweigh of lightweights, for my nine year old neice. I checked on Bob Hufford's Schwinn Lightweight Data Book website regarding the Schwinn Varsity. The BM 508310 serial number, indicates that the bike was made in February,1976. This jives with the patriotic paint scheme. White mostly, with red bands and white strips and blue bands with white stars (white, red and blue). The data for the 1976 model year Schwinn Varsity only indicates that it was made with 27" X 1 11/4" wheelset. The "junior" model I have with 140mm cranks and 24" wheelset certainly is original.Men's (boys) frame is 42 CM seat tube with a 50 CM top tube (C-T-C). I had never seen a 24" wheelset sized Varsity bicycle before buying this Schwinn Varsity. The frame is your typical Schwinn Varsity design,just like it was put in the washer and "shrunk". Is this an unusual size for a Varsity or were there just not many made with the 24'' wheelset??? Any information regarding this bicycle would be greatly appreciated from the "Schwinn experts out there". Yours truly, Martin Walsh in Vienna,Va.