Well, I just couldn't resist this bike - a Centurion comp TA
Please forgive me if this one is out of the CR time line. for me, a bike with non aero brake cables, a freewheel and lugs is a classic or at least a keeper of the flame.
I had a Centurion Super Elite in College that I really liked, but unfortunately it was stolen. I suspect that this one is a very similar bike, and I hope I will like it as much as my Super Elite.
So, the questions that I have about this bike are:
What is Tange Champion #2 relative to other Tange tubings of the time?
What year would you say this Shimano 600 generation is from, and was it decent stuff?
And finally, comp TA seems to have been a very popular name for components and bikes. Does TA mean anything?
Well, and one other question, was I nuts to want this bike?
Thanks Dan Kasha Salt Lake City
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